Thursday, January 26, 2012

Line design......

My white lilac is getting to be too large as you can see how large the branches are.  I know that it is recommended to take out a few each year at a time and eventually the size of it will become more normal.  The neighbor's house and green pine tree make an interesting background for the scene.

We should loose most of our snow today as it will be warming up a lot today.  We are having a  mild winter as far as snowfall is concerned but the temperatures have been cold.

The mungo pine bows under the ice and snow that we had a few days ago.  I planted it between two burning bushes and it seems to be doing fine there.  I may have to prune all three back if it gets to be too crowded.

On my photo a day blog I have an arrangement of cockatiel feathers.  I just put this one up on this site to show how wonderful the design looks on a female cockatiel tail feather.  This is the pattern one uses to know which is the female birds.

I am battling a cold again.  I hand around too many sick people at school.  I wash my hands continually but I can't filter the air I breathe.  I am a techie and music teacher again today.  We will be practicing a new song on our tonettes today.

Thanks for stopping by to visit my posting.  Everyone out there have a good Thursday and yes, Friday is coming.


  1. I've never seen a lilac that big. I always have fear when pruning anything!!

    Sorry to hear you are sick again. Hard to stay healthy around so many folks. Take care.

  2. We share a love of feathers !
    Sorry you are feeling poorly again, just has to run it's course I 'spect.
    Have a great day with the students ;)

  3. I love your stark lines of branches in the snow.
    Sorry to hear about your cold - school air is a real brew of germs.

  4. It is hard to kill a lilac by pruning..although it won't flower as nicely the year after it is pruned. I think you should prune it right after it blooms for the best results.
    I hope you get over your cold..yes all those school kids are a germy bunch:(
