Saturday, February 11, 2012

Saturday's Posting......

Yes, it is a brownie and they sure do taste good with a hot cup of coffee. I had one this morning while watching the birds and squirrel at the feeders. 

I had to rework a frame job today.  A cross stitched work that appeared to be very stable and flat didn't stay flat after it had been framed for a while.  I removed it from the frame and stretched it out on a piece of foamcore. Stretching it four ways and temporarily holding it in place with push pins helped it a lot.  Then stainless steel pins are placed between all the spaces of the push pins to hold it into place.  When I remove the push pins all stays stretched and tight over the foamcore. 

The piece had stains on it from the hoop and dirty hands. The lady said not to wash it just cover them with the mat.

So I did cover up the stains and it looks good.  I may have posted this months ago but the person didn't come to pick it up and that's how I noticed I had to go back in and stretch it. Better for me to notice and do it than having them bring it back later. That rarely happens except when a piece is a flimsy quilt block and it has loosened up even after it has been stretched.

The Gene Autry poster is now mounted and placed in the frame.  I still don't have the hanger on it but that may happen before the day is done.

It was a working day today for the most part but we did venture out to the store to get a few groceries. I didn't want to get out in it but the weekend is our only free time that we have to do it. It was busy at Walmart as everyone else was out in the 26 degree F. temperatures.  The windchill was bad so one didn't tarry long waling from the car to the store.

Thanks for stopping by my blog today.


  1. Brrr it's below freezing here today also, the wind will cut you in half !
    I finished up the last of the brownies I made earlier this week, aren't they just the best :)
    Great painting, you did a fine job with the frame.
    Stay warm.

  2. I really admire the job you did on the cross stitched piece. The poster turned out well, also. We are at 28 this evening and the wind has been brutal today. We are eating a little of this and that so we won't have to venture out in the weather!
    Have a good evening.
