Sunday, February 12, 2012

Palm Sunday and the Pope........

A older Bible that was brought home from the farm held a flattened fern or palm in it.  Who knows who did it and when.  I suspect it was my wife's mother who pressed it in there from a Palm Sunday service. I could not find a date of its printing anywhere in the book but I think it looks like an adult's handwriting that had written 1957 one of the  inside pages.

Signed by the Pope.

One of my friends brought in this document that is rolled so tightly that I can't really unroll it.  He tried to show it to me and I told him not to as it will tear and all would be unhappy.  I took the beginning of it and rolled it very carefully onto this small cardboard tube. It was not easy and as you can see I have straps on it to keep it in place.  I may spray a fine water mist on it to get the fibers to let up a little with the tight surface tension that it has.

The document was signed for my friends parents declaring or blessing on their marriage around the date of the anniversary back in 1958.  From what I could sort of see, while forcing it onto the roll is that is has a photo of the pope glue to it and there is some fancy painted decorated lettering on it.The paper must be a special parchment paper and I think it had been rolled up tightly and stored in a damp basement.  That sort of seals the fibers into a shape that it doesn't want to change.  It has a spring action

I will keep you updated on the progress of the unrolling of the paper.  I will use a lot of patience and wait for it to loosen up as time goes by.  I will find another larger round tube to transfer it to when I can and eventually I will let you see what I will see once it is flattened. I told the owner that I had no way of promising that I could pull this restoration off safely but I sure would work as carefully as possible.

I don't have anything else creative for you today.  I hope it has warmed up for most of you as it suppose to become a lot warmer today. It was around 5 degrees F this morning.  Thanks for stopping by my blog.


  1. I was sent my grandmothers 1914 Bible, by the children of her last living daughter who died at 101years old. The Bible has many dried flowers in it, I am sure they came from past funerals.
    I sure hope you can save the document.

  2. I hope you are able to save the document also. John's oldest brother is a Catholic Priest/Lawyer in upper Michigan. John has a similar document blessing a business he owned in the 1980's before I met him. Fortunately, it has always been in a frame.
