Thursday, March 1, 2012

Northern Cardinal.....

Shot through my dining room window, the bird seemed to be watching me as I snapped away at his different moves.  I had just gone out and dumped in a new batch of seed and the cardinal was picking out all the choice sunflower seeds.

I guess I am a little confused with the coloring of the cardinals.  I didn't think the females turned more red in the winter but I don't think I have ever seen a male other than straight red. I know normally that the female is pretty much all brown all summer for blending in with the nest.

 I looked it up on the net and the male can have brown like this.  It didn't say that it would look like this in the winter, but I am suspecting that this is it's coloring. From the photo they called this a Northern Cardinal.

We had a windy day yesterday and today we are going to warm up a bit.  The winter weather here has been good and bad.  I really will be interested to see when we will get our one last blizzard.  I know we have missed two of them so far but sooner or later we do get hit.

I am covering for a shop teacher today with study hall duty and a dare program to attend with seventh graders.  Thanks for stopping by today.

Has anyone ever caught me when I am switching the Photo a Day and the Creative Zone from one site to the other?  I sit in a study hall sometimes and finish a blog and really don't pay attention to what I doing.  I find that I have blogged my Photo a Day  on my Creative Zone and then turn around and blog my Creative Zone on my Photo a Day.  One can copy and past the html from one to another easily enough.  It is just at one time I can have the two blogs on both sites at the same time until I move in and delete the ones in error.  

I am sure that would be confusing if you were to see them come and go right before your eyes.


  1. That male's coloring seems really muted. We have several pairs that nest around our place and our males remain brilliant red all year long while the females are a dull reddish brown color. They are ritzy little eaters - mine always sort through the seed for the best stuff. Black oil sunflower seed is their favorite.

  2. I am so jealous...I can't get them to our feeders and only have seen one or two in the 7 years we have lived here by the lake. They are gorgeous. I actually like the subtle colors on the female even more than the male.

  3. Do you ever have problems with the birds seeing their reflection in your dining room window?

    We had a cardinal to "fight" with his reflection in the window each Spring at the old house!

  4. Larry, the cardinal is VA's state birds and I really enjoying photographing them at our backyard feeders. Their coloring turns to bright red when they are in the mating season. I have noticed that male and female cardinals will share the feeder with other birds like finches, sparrows, chickdees but not with another cardinal or bird such as a bluejay.

  5. So having two blogs is sometimes confusing for you..well weird stuff happens all the time out here in blogland..nothing would surprise me. I wish we had are so lucky:):)
