Friday, March 30, 2012

Friday's flowers........

We had a nice rain last night and it was needed.  A little thunder and lighting to scare the dogs but it was all over with by the time for us to all go to bed.  I am going to mow this weekend as it is going to be impossible to do so if I wait any longer.  We are to be hot Saturday and Sunday and then the next spring rains will start up for Monday and Tuesday.

Thanks for stopping by my post today.  I is Friday and I am ready for to be done and finished.


  1. Great pics, as always. We are expecting some rain here too and it is desperately needed. Enjoy the weekend!

  2. The white and yellow tulip is stunning. Glad you got some rain.

  3. Lovely blooms. We are getting much needed rain tonight. Hope you both have a good weekend. Take care.
