Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Wednesday's Collage..........

The forsythia is putting out a few blooms and the two varieties of daffodils can be seen above in the collage.  The robin was out in the rain looking for food in the leaves of the garden.  The blooming cherry is covered with white flowers.  I was able to take photos between the rains and the walking of the dog.

I finished a major project yesterday and also made some progress on some of my framing tasks. I have more framing to do but will be waiting for the delivery of a couple of frames.  I also need to buy a metal frame at Hobby Lobby to complete a new frame job that came in over the weekend.

A spring break I guess really means a catch up on your work break.

Thanks for stopping by my post today.


  1. Things are growing so fast this spring.I will have rose blooms in a week or two. You did a good job on your collage.

  2. I just ran into this blog, and am really enjoying it. I can't believe what a difference just one state away makes. Your daffodils are way up there already! Mine are just peeking out of the ground here in west-central MN. Phil/Minnesota

  3. My parents in southern Iowa were always two weeks ahead of us here and sometimes when I visited Minnesota that the climate was just that much later. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  4. Very nice collage....I love seeing the robin.
