Saturday, April 28, 2012

Saturday's Stuff.....

The wind and rain finished off these blooms for the season. I have a lot of shots that I took of the fernleaf peony.  Memories of red with a great foliage still standing is the best I can do for now.
A friend of mine said she saw white and yellow peonies like this.  I will have to be on the lookout to add to my collection of one variety.

The viburnum bloomed early and it still looks good out there in the cold air.  I had brown spots from the freeze and I am not sure if the small center flowers will ever open.

You can see the brown spots on the flowers.

I am sitting at the dining room window today looking out at the cold day and watching the bird feeder. We put out the scrap seed from the inside birds of which they won't eat and the outside birds love it.  Some seeds in the cockatiel food has too large of seeds in them and they just won't try to eat them.  I think they are selling seed for larger parrots in the mix and it all doesn't get eaten.The parakeet for some reason only eats off the top of the seed and will not dig deeper. Sometimes you just have to dump it and start over so the smaller birds outside are glad he does that.

 My wife said she saw a mother cardinal with a smaller young red male cardinal at the feeder yesterday. I am glad that  our cardinal pair have succeeded in raising a new family.  It is fun to watch the young birds follow and squawk when they still want their parent to feed them.  Pretty soon they need to figure it out on their own or they will starve and the parents eventually shut down the feeding service.

It is Saturday and I have just a couple of framing things to do today.  My wife is finishing a painting of a hibiscus and I am cutingt a mat for three different diplomas. I plan to take the day a lot easier as there is no glaring job to get done.  It will warm up to 61 degrees F.  today but I don't think I will mow the yard. When you need a heavy coat in order to work in the yard, one doesn't need to work in the yard.

Thanks for stopping by my site today.


  1. Larry, your peony sure bloomed earlier than the one we have. I noticed it has several buds which seem to attract small ants. The bud must emit a sticky and sweet substance. Hope the flowers hold off blooming until it warms up again. I cut the lawn Friday, butbtemps were only in the higher 60s.

  2. How exciting about the Cardinals! The Viburnum flowers are still beautiful! LOL a coat to mow doesn't seem right:)
