Friday, April 27, 2012

Finer Points.......

A closeup of one of the last tulips. I didn't realize that these tulips actually were squeezing themselves out through a pile of wood that is ready to be burned.  I pulled the wood away from them but next year they will have a better chance as the wood will be gone.  I feel like a plant abuser.

The Dutch iris will have a couple of more blooms for me this  year. It seems too short to be where it is planted.  I may move it.

Warm temperatures on Wednesday allowed me to get a photo of this fernleaf with its petals opened.

The viburnum continues to stay in bloom.  Close shots show brown spots where the freezing weather did some damage.  The small middle flowers are yet to open.

The mugo pine is putting out its new sprouts for the season.  I think that they remind me of candles on the end of each branch.  I have to look this variety up each year as I want to call it a mungo pine which it is not but a mugo pine.

Ferns from the past still grow along the foundation.  They are doing well along as the golden privets that I planted under the redbud tree.  The spirea to the left has a lot of dead wood in it and will need to have a prune job to clean it out.  The barberry on the left puts out such a nice foliage but the forsythia behind that is in need of a major hair cut.

I have a lot of photos with the yellow sulfur butterflies feeding.  I will share another now.  The flowers at the end of the tips actually have not opened completly so they will be a different color soon.

Yellow kitty is still enjoying life.  She is so very old and yet the outdoors is her favorite place.  She loves to roll in the dust in the gardens and growls at all the free loader neighbor cats who want to come and eat her food.

I am following a student around today as a one on one aid.  We had a 50 minute walk for pe which was also good for me.

Thanks for stopping by my blog today.


  1. Yellow Kitty is very pretty. I'm glad she enjoys protecting her property!!! Your flowers/shrubs are very nice and I love those ferns, especially. Wishing you both a nice weekend.

  2. Awww, the kitty is so cute! We have one that looks a lot like him, color-wise.

    I LOVE redbud trees in the spring and we so wish we had one in our yard. Maybe one day...

    Your ferns are beautiful too! We have that same type growing along the front of our house. Only problem is, they tend to try to take over my flower garden. LOL

    Glad you are enjoying spring in Iowa!

  3. Larry,
    Glad to see Yellow Kitty is still prowling the garden, I’m with her on growling, I do the same if any one gets to close to my dinner plate, lol. – gary

  4. You have such beautiful plants blooming and growing in your yard! It was good to see Yellow Kitty! :)
