Thursday, April 26, 2012

Thursday's Things

Yellow sulfur butterfly that is busy feeding on the allium.

A beautiful rose is hidden inside this bud.  The rose is doing so well this year that there are five large buds on the bush.  It is a special rose from my parents home and it really is going to do well up here in our part of the state.

The fernleaf peony is suffering under our 89 F. degree heat today.  They are going to be gone soon.

The bridal wreath spirea is really filling out into full bloom today.  Our warm weather really turned it into a show specimen plant.  These plants are ones that I  transplanted from and older shrub that was on the property 36 years ago.

I have this short dutch iris that has one bloom.  It really has not done well as this is the first time I have seen in bloom in a number of years.  It likes to bloom early and we normally have snow or too cold of temperatures.

I will finish off the blog with a trio of tulips.  They are at their last days now and this photo was taken a week ago.

Special Education duty today, taking notes in various classes for the students. I may get moved to a regular classroom in the afternoon when the golf coach leaves for a tournament.

Thanks for stopping by my post today.


  1. Beautiful flowers today. All of my spring flowers are coming to their end.

  2. What goregeous flowers Larry.
    The rose even more so, since it carries forward a memeory of your parents old homestead, and now blooming still at yours ;)
    I'd love some Spirea, it always makes me do a double-take when I see it in bloom.
    Thank you for sharing, everything is looking so happy :)

  3. What lovely photos to focus on! Simply uplifting. Thank you for sharing.

  4. Only a single tulip bloomed in our yard this season, the daffodils are all gone and the irises are in bloom now. Soon we will have an abundance of orange day lilies. ENjoyed seeing your colorful blooms, Larry.

  5. That bridal veil spirea as absolutely beautiful! Hard to believe it came from a plant that was on your property 36 years ago. My, how they've grown! And of course, I'm partial to butterflies of all colors. That yellow one looks SO delicate. Lovely photos, as always, Larry!
