Sunday, June 10, 2012

First Daylilies.........

Stella o Doro was the first daylily to bloom this year.  It's first blooms were deformed which I am thinking were related from our sudden freeze in April.  The rest of the blooms are turning out normally formed. The macro makes this look much larger than it really is in size.  Landscapers use this variety in Iowa in our mall gardens as it seems to put out blooms throughout the summer.

This is the second daylily to show itself in my garden. It's stems are a little flimsy and the blooms then seem to flop down a bit compared to other day lilies. I really like the color of this bloom.  The camera did not capture it's true color as it is deeper brown in color.

This is not a daylily but it is a hollyhock.  The warmer weather has this white hollyhock blooming profusely.  It is a very big plant and is filled with blooms.

I worked outside a lot in the morning yesterday, getting raspberries picked, with my wife's help. We froze six cups of berries.  I mowed the dog's back yard and then my mower died on the spot.  I trimmed trees from some of the last of the flower beds and sprayed some weeds along the alley that need to be destroyed before I cut them.  I found that my morning glories are sprouted and the squash is doing well.  I replanted my zinnias today hoping Sunday evening that it will get watered from the predicted storms.  I found some nectar to add to a hummingbird feeder that I need to get put out.  I don't have a lot of luck with them but maybe this year.  I still have a few weeds to attend to in the orchard area and I will finish those up in the weekday sometime.  

We don't like severe weather but we do like getting rain.  We are suppose to get storms in the night which will bring us some much needed moisture.  I don't have a long enough set of hoses to water my raspberries but they are so dry that there are bunches of them that have just shriveled up and died.

Thanks for stopping by my post today.


  1. Morning Larry, just finished reading your weekend posts and enjoyed seeing the day Lillie's. We have a similar yellow one now in bloom in the front yard, several in fact. A couple other colors are also starting, but the yellow ones are predominant. We're hoping the gardenia blooms this week as its loaded with. Us now. No squash in our garden this year, so we will be on the lookout for giveaways from folks who have too many. Hope you get the rain you need.

  2. Everything just keeps growing! No daylilies here yet. I purchased a new red one this year but it was root stock so it is tiny still.

  3. Hollyhocks are so lovely..they don't bloom here until August. Your Day Lilies are very pretty:)
