Thursday, July 19, 2012

Hostas and Heat.......

This hot summer reminds me of why some years I don't want to even try to have a flower garden.  I come out of a winter season thinking it isn't worth the try.  Because of that negative attitude I don't plant as many seasonal flowers.  I have added to the hosta collection and kept the black eyed susan type flowers going.

The hostas are suffering in this heat too.  I don't have the rain barrel water to put on them any more so I give them a drink once a week.  I keep the zinnia patch going with water each night along with the tomato plants.  We are going to have tomatoes this year hell heat or not.

I have some geraniums that look really good right now and I should have taken more photos. My energy level only allowed watering last night so maybe I can get some photo taken this evening.

This large flowering daylily sits next to a tomato plant so you can see it is sharing the moisture and rewarding me for it.  You can see how dead and dry the ground looks around it.  The creeping Charlie doesn't like this heat so it isn't doing as well any more.  It seems to be doing well under the hostas as you can see in the top photo.

The heat at work makes me more tired than the work itself.  I am going to make it with only four more weeks at this janitorial and repair job.  We are hitting the hallways hard getting them ready for waxing. Most of these floors are not in the air conditioned part.

Our little dog Button gave us a scare on Tuesday night.  He is better and almost back to normal.  We really don't actually know what happened but with his age we were more than a little concerned.  He stopped eating and was in a state of discomfort.  It was either stomach or possibly a bad hip or paw.  He didn't want to move because of the pain and little dogs just don't tell you how they are feeling.  He was better Wednesday morning and by evening he was eating and drinking again.

He actually was pooping and peeing again Wednesday evening which is a good thing.  We have loved that little guy for 13 years or more and it is so hard to see him getting sick.  We would have taken him to the vet on Wednesday morning but hints of improvement made us wait to see what to do.  He ate a snack early morning and by evening he was eating a Ceaser dinner that I bought special for him after work to get him back to good health.  He ate some of it and the next thing he was drinking lots of water.  We got some sleep last night thanks be to God.

Thanks for stopping by my post today.


  1. Tough news, Larry, about the heat, tough working without AC, wilting flowers, lack of water Nd most of all about your beloved pet, Buttons, not feeling well. You might do well to get him to a vet to find out if his symptoms will recur and, if so, what treatment is available as it would be unsettling to have it happen again without knowing the causes. Take it easy in the heat.

  2. The Hostas are gorgeous, so green and vibrant, I wish we had more shade in the garden, I'd fill it with Hostas :)
    Happy to read all is well with little Button, maybe just something disagree with him that day !
    I'm looking forward to Fall already :)

  3. Greetings happy Thursday morning from Rosemary
    It has been awfully hot here and humid too. We have had rain but for the most part it has been dry. this is the first year we decided not to go crazy with trying to keep up the lawn on our suburban homestead. Hubby works at home and he used to start very early and do the entire lawn, only to have to mow it once a week. Well, not this year. WE are letting the grass go dormant. Hubby has not mowed in weeks!
    Two years ago, I was ready to give up the gardening as well, I mean the intensive daily work type. Then last year my best friend across the street had cancer and I did everything in my power to give her beautiful gardens to enjoy from her sickroom window. Her view was ridiculously colorful and the sunflowers and zinnias were nutty bright and healthy. Also the knock out roses were full and happy. That was her very last summer :-(
    Well, this year I have not done so much in the yard. I tossed some seeds in the gardens and I would say that everything is thriving but not like last year. That is okay.

    Your zinnias looks delightful (my favorite flower, and the yellow finches as well :-P ) I have never grown hostas, but I have stella d'oro lilies :-)

    Button is a good dog, he looks happy and well loved. Our former cornish rex kitties lived to be 17 and 18. We love our animals.
    Hubby and I treat Miles and Pierro like kids. We leave the tv on for them when we go out.

    Stay cool and comfy. Let's hope August is unusually chilly

    bonks and love from Northern virginia

  4. Hi Larry, What a scare with glad he is all better..dogs can have bad days too. I used to feed our sick old dogs crushed ice with a bit of coke right out of my hand. I used to take a swig of coke and crunch up some ice..spit it out into my hand..they hardly ever refused it.
    Stay cool ..:)

  5. I have gotten behind with blog very sorry about the scare with little Button.
    God bless you all. Have a restful night and a blessed Sunday.
