Wednesday, July 18, 2012

I've nothing.......

I have nothing new to put up today.  I don't think this rose was ever posted but I am not for sure.  It is suffering as you can see and I have not seen many blooms on this bush.  

I think I have saved my zinnias but will return each evening to pour on water from my almost empty rain barrel.  One of the zinnia plants has a bud on it.  We hit 100 in Des Moines on Tuesday.  Our 93 degrees F.  feels very hot  as there isn't a breeze.  I am glad we are half way through the week.  The heat makes one tired most of the time.

Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. Stay cool Larry..hope you can save the Zinnias. The heat exhausts me too I come home everyday and have a nap on the couch:)
