Monday, July 16, 2012

It's the foliage that I like.........

The newer hardy geranium that I picked up for a dollar has this wonderful foliage.  I like the blooms too but the leaves are wonderful.  It is a seed geranium so I will have to baby it all summer and then keep it inside this winter to help it grow larger.

I used the blooms in a photo for my Photo a Day blog.  As you can see that the flowers are just as variegated as the leaves.

It again will be a warm day today.  Thanks for stopping by my post.


  1. Yes, I love those leaves, and the blooms are just as pretty...
    Geraniums are the one flower that does well all through the summer heat without wilt.
    Stay cool Larry !

  2. That's a real beauty, Larry. Take care in the heat.

  3. Larry, Those are quite lovely leaves, and the flowers are not too bad either. I usually buy at least 6 geraniums each spring from a local store @ $1.50 each and they never return the following bloom season.
