Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Tuesday's Things........

We purchased nursery flower plants a few weeks back and we just couldn't get them into the ground.  It stayed so hot that the planter area was bone dry and too rough to take any plants.  As an alternative my wife planted them into two window box planters.  They grew inside for awhile and finally I put them out on the porch.  They are doing good now that they have hit real soil.

I have four tomato plants in my backyard.  I also have the one that I planted in a planter.  The sixth plant went to be in Chicago with my son and his wife.

I had to stake a couple of them last night as they were getting top heavy. I will put posts in next to the others later. The soil is bad next to the foundation of this old house but I get them water every day and they like the hot south side of the house. My son sent me a photo of their one plant and it is doing well.

I took this a couple of nights ago as I was grilling.  I really like the colors in this petunia.

The heat wave continues and it is making life difficult.  My work is in the non airconditioned part of the building. I am trying to save what plants that I can by carrying water to them.  My transplanted zinnias have survived my rearranging of them but a few of them may not make it.  I soak the soil ever other evening to keep them going.  I felt sorry for my phlox and gave them a good soaking.  I am trying not to use so much water.

Our early warm weather made a great situation for those who planted vegetable gardens. They are doing a lot of early harvesting.  Now anything that was planted the last few weeks will not make it. I do know it will rain again.  I know we have survived summers like this as I lived them the many past years of my life.  Iowa is known for it's sweltering heat and humidity and this is a normal rather than an abnormal summer.

Thanks for stopping by post today.


  1. We are cooler today..so far. It is hard to think of all the heat and humidity as "normal" Stay cool Larry:)

  2. We are struggling with extreme heat/humidity, too. We have had a few evening showers lately which helps the grass at least. My elderly friend, Lillie, says she cannot remember a year this hot!
    I am happy that you were able to grill out one night!
