Friday, September 7, 2012

Friday's Finds...........

I never have noticed this before that the blooms stay on the end of the zucchini for some time  before dropping off.

I had planted these seeds at the blue gate and never saw any sprouts.   I had forgotten they were there.  I looked down in the early morning on Wednesday while traveling through the gate and there it was. It would be nice that it would reseed itself.

Impatience plants in a planter can go from drought to being alive in a very short time.  I have always been fascinated with the type of plant that gets so wilted and then once watered will bounce back.

I am following a nice young man around to his classes all morning.  In the afternoon I will be a business teacher.  I remember when business teachers all dressed like business people each day to model the role of a business person on the job.

Thanks for stopping by today.  Friday is a reality.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely yellow, happy blooms :)
    The Morning Glories seemed to have taken a lot longer before blooming this year, mine have been planted since May, and just now blooming well. I love the pinks, I may try them next year !
