Saturday, October 27, 2012

Seeing red........

Burning Bush

The last few leaves hanging onto the lower branch.  All the rest are gone. I have enjoyed the color it has put out this year.

The last few leaves on this volunteer vine that is climbing up the side of my house.  The vine is now gone so that it won't take over the whole backside of my kitchen.  Can you see the age of the 108 year old siding.  They will be eventually replaced but not this fall.

One lone leaf sat among the mums.  It looks like I placed it there but I did not.  Have a good weekend. Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Nice fall photos. Enjoy the weekend.

  2. Your Mum still looks good! I hope you and Della are having a good weekend..really cold here..snowflakes in the air..but they melt on the ground:)
