Saturday, March 2, 2013

Restoring the collection......

I have posted a few months back about my severe loss of so many African violets.  I was really disappointed in losing so many of them.  At the time of the loss I did have many leaves, ( slips) of them in a container being used to create new starts.  This is one of those starts from over a year ago which is  doing well.  I had a November post showing these plants being small and in pathetic condition but they were alive. Now four months late, after they were placed in new larger pots, this is what I have going on now.

I had so many transplants to plant that I ran out of flower pots.  I used this bowl shaped container that with a flower shop of  plants in it and it worked out well.   When I placed them in the bowl they were small and I really didn't know if the watering of them would be successful. I thought things would either dry out too fast or I would over water them because there isn't drainage with this container.

I have kept a piece of plastic over them from an old bag cut to make a tent cover.  It lays loosely over it and it keeps all the surface area of the soil in the pot from drying out and does act like a mini greenhouse.  It would be neat to leave them all in there until they bloom but I think they will now have to be placed into individual pots. 

Click below if you want to see the second stage from leaf starts to the repotting stage from back in Novemeber.

Here I am  back at stage one when I first put the plant leaves in the soil.  I had left these starts in the container way too long as you can see in my November post. 

Here is the close up that I had shared in an earlier blog probably a year ago.  I have a new set started now but I don't have evidence of new growth right now.

My next things to plant now will be tomatoes for this summer.  I wasn't going to mess with it anymore as we had such a bad tomato crop last year but I did change my mind.  I found two packets of leftover seed one of roma tomatoes and the other a beefsteak variety. I know I can buy plants in the spring that would be bigger and stronger.  I just won't have any money to put out for them, all I have to do is plant them, water them, and then see what  happens.

It is a quiet Saturday.  We were going to go see the new grandson in Chicago today, but after talking to or son in the middle of the week we thought we should wait for another weekend.  Mom and dad and AJ made it home on Thursday and the new parents and son need to get adjusted together at home.  We are so anxious to see him but we will wait.  It will be a long distance grandchild but we will try to go and stay in the summer to get to know him better.

Thank you for your loyal visits to my post.  Have a great weekend.

1 comment:

  1. I can imagine that you are very anxious to meet your grand! Your violets look wonderful:)
