Monday, June 3, 2013


You get to see weeds and all in this photo.  I will get to the weeding some day.  Now that I am back to  work at early hours I will be blogging the night before so that I can get it done on time.

Here is an artsy shot of my iris named Superstition. I posted about it  on my Photo a Day today. This shot gave the  color of wine brown.  It is suppose to be darker black but the camera doesn't see that.

This is a peak through my garden gate.  It looks a lot better that it really is in the backyard. I have a lot of watergrass to get pulled out of my gardens back there.

This is a better shot of the blooms that are on the yellow and green striped iris. The weather has ceased messing with it so the blooms are looking great.

Thanks for stopping in today.  I appreciate you stopping by and hope all is well with you.

1 comment:

  1. Your iris are gorgeous and I love the shot thru the gate.
