Saturday, September 7, 2013

In Memory Only.........

I didn't get into much detail about my fish in the pond but I do think I mentioned that they were hit by a wild animal.   Hit meaning that a raccoon or more than one raccoon got into my outside pond and ate a lot of fish.  They belong to the science department and three of them were from my inside tank. 

A lot of them were the variety of goldfish that had plenty of fins which made it easier to catch them.  I had places for the fish to go hide but the coon must have got down into the water to catch them.  One fish, a plain goldfish is still in there but the other seven are gone.

I am serving Saturday school today with only one student today.  I think it will be getting to be a long day but I have nothing planned for the rest of the day so it will be good.  The air hasn't turned on yet in the wing that we are in but from my understanding of the system, it has to heat up outside for it to even to turn on and function.  We are suppose to get to 98 degrees F. today so it will turn on I know. 

An old shot with snow on the roof.  It wouldn't last very long today in our heat.

I am out of pictures so I do need to get out and shoot something.  I have a half of the peaches left that I picked a few days ago so you might get a shot of those.  The weather keeps most plants now totally in survival mode right now.  I may have to go take some disaster drought shots but they are not too pretty.

Have a good weekend everyone and thanks for dropping by my post today.


  1. That's sad about the fish.

    It's hot today here, too. That snow looks pretty good after spreading mulch all morning in the heat!

    Hope you have a relaxing evening.
