Friday, September 6, 2013

It's Flowers Again.........

It is Friday already and I am glad.  I am following another young man around the building today. It will prove interesting and I hope good behaviors prevail.

Out by the pear tree another rose opens up for its brief appearance.  The heat at the time keeps them out for only a couple of days and then they start to droop.  I trimmed back all of my roses last week except for this one as it was the only one actually blooming.  I need to trim this one back now as it may have time to put out one more set of buds.

Wednesday night an older gentleman came to my door.  It was about 8:00 and he had ridden his powered chair over four or five blocks over to tell me to come pick some peaches.  When he makes a request, I usually do it right away because that is what is expected.  I waited about five minutes before I left so I wouldn't pass him in my car while he is on his mechanical chair.  I did arrive a little sooner than him and just started to pick these wonderful peaches.  He has given so many of them away and he isn't able to pick them off the tree.  He picks up the ones that fall on the ground.  As I picked a couple grocery bags full I asked him which bag he wanted.  He frowned at me and said I don't want them anymore.  "You take them," he said.  So we have peaches now needing to be frozen or put into pie.  Some of them have to ripen a little more.  Because of the weather, the east part of the tree is all that had fruit this year.  I can't imagine how many their would have had with good rains.

I took pictures of his trees in bloom a couple of years ago but never was offered the fruit before now.  It was nice of him to share them with me.  I took a couple of walnut boards home with me also to help him create a frame for his grandson.  He was so happy that I had offered as he just isn't able to do woodworking anymore. He had worried about the project of  framing the grandson's diploma for a year or so.

My day will be warm as we will be up to 93 degrees F. today and the old wing that I am working in will be hot before the day starts. Again, I am glad for the weekend to be here.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. That rose is beautiful! Hot here today and we may be sharing your way too! Have a great restful weekend! :)

  2. What a pretty rose. I know you and your wife will enjoy the peaches. How kind to offer to help the man with the frame for his grandson.
    Hope you have a restful weekend.
