Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Wednesday's Wanderings.........

While visiting at his grandparents house in Chicago, AJ took his first drive around the block.  This is a photo that my son took of him and I didn't get it cropped down as I usually do.  He is over 10 months old now and changes rapidly at this age.

While taking down the one tree I sorted out ornaments that were more fitting for the smaller tree.  The small acorns are newer but the ones I keep sharing with you are a lot older.  I had a memory jolt about them and do now know more about their history.  When I was young in the later 70's I bought them at a hardware store.  They seemed less glitzy than most but of course the price was low.  The store itself was in Nebraska City, Nebraska.  I lived in Sidney, Iowa at the time and driving across the valley over the Missouri River was a fun thing to do to visit a bigger city than Sidney. The rest of the set is already on the smaller tree and I will reunite them soon.

I am picture poor again today.  We dropped down in temperature and the wind blew harder than the Santa Anna winds in California.  It was recorded up to 54 miles an hour at times with it making our windchill 8 degrees F. or less. I didn't go outside to take any shots.  I went straight from school to home and didn't even stop to get the mail as it was unbearably cold.  Today we are at 14 degrees F. and will warm up to maybe 23 here.  Des Moines is always warmer than us by 4 to 6 degrees.

Oh yes, the plant light that I bought is making a great improvement with my violets.  The two, only two, that were partially blooming are really blooming now.  The other ten or so plants are getting greener looking leaves.

I am subbing for a teacher who is home sick with the flu.  I did that last Friday with another teacher with flu so it seems that the bugs are spreading.  This will really test our shots to see if they work.  I don't and won't sit at a teacher's desk if I know they are with the flu.  I find a different table to be at or a portable computer table like today.  The music room is where I am assigned to day.

My friend Dave makes me so jealous with his tank of guppies he has here in the room.  There are so many and they keep having more.  That is what I use to have years ago and then I found the water here was not letting my fish live very long. He had a neighbor give him a large amount of them and I believe he had the water in it for a month before he put any in it. I will watch students all day and visit the guppies often.

A stock picture of a lemon colored fancy male guppy.

Our water boil order still has not been lifted but I am hoping that it will today.  The dogs think they are so special when we open a water bottle to fill their bowl.  Barney drinks a lot of water so we do have to watch his bowl a lot. Button sneaks in to the kitchen and drinks when no one is watching.  One of his flukes of behavior is that we are not to be in the room or watch him drink. Strange things dogs tend to develop which are always amazing.

I am in a cold classroom today so I will get chilled before the day is over.  I hope everyone is surviving the winter and thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I pray that your flu shot does the job and prevents you from getting sick. AJ is such a cute boy and really growing fast. Thanks for sharing his photo. It will be nice to get your small ornaments together for the small tree next year. They surely are pretty. I am envious of your violets (in a good way). I always enjoy the pics of the blooms.

  2. This little gentleman in a green car looks great. Beautiful pictures.

  3. I'm enjoying the photos of the ornaments as you pack them away a lot. Hang in there with the winter weather and stay well!

  4. AJ is driving already! Such a cute photo! We are hoping we don't get the flu either. Your Violet looks lovely:)
