Saturday, March 15, 2014

Happy Saturday........

The islands of snow that were originally big drifts are still hanging around in the yard.  It has become so cold the past days that they didn't continue to melt.  Our wind is very cold today at 39 degrees.  The windchill will keep us from doing any thawing.

The photo of the flattened Japanese Yew made us think it would never straighten up again.  In the top of the photo you can see none of it on the ground now and no snow is in its branches. You can see my iceberg drift next to the car.

I had dueling cardinal calls yesterday afternoon while I was out with Button.  They were too fast for me to get a shot of them but with the cold winds today I don't think they care to claim any territory today. The two males were close to each other, trying to scare the other away, but never did they touch each other.

The silver maple looks like three dancers as I was trying to shoot a photo of the two cardinals.  There are buds on the trees right now.  While putting seed in the neighbor lady's feeder I looked down and saw tulips up along the south side of her house.  It is in the sun and it is warmer there as I had to contend with my step ladder getting buried in the mud while I was standing on it. She gave me a large bag of corn to take home so my squirrels will be so happy. She didn't want them feeding in her yard anymore as it makes her terrier nervous. It makes her nervous too.

A day of rest on Saturday is good.  We are both weary and will not do much today.  If we go to get groceries it will be a short fast trip.  I hope all of you are well and that spring heat will be with us soon.  Some of my blogger friends will have to wear double winter jackets and some of my blogger friends will have to turn on their air today to cool them off.  Thank you for stopping  by today.


  1. Wishing you both a restful weekend. We are expecting rain tonight/tomorrow.

  2. Love the first photo! It has a lonely feel.
