Sunday, March 16, 2014

Sunday Snow......and Stuff.

Yesterday my look out window showed a yard full of leaves.  The leaves had been raked but the last of the silver maple leaves fall right before the first snow.  I am anxious to mow them and mulch them but not today.  There is an inch of snow back on the yard again today.  Through procrastination with the sidewalk situation I did win. I didn't have to shovel the last snowfall.  You can see the sidewalk as we had a few days of melting and all of my sidewalks are now clear. 

This is a time of ever changing weather.  I froze to the bone while helping fill the neighbor's feeders yesterday.  It did warm up with sunshine but the wind made it feel very cold.  We were below freezing last night and we won't warm up much today.  Tomorrow we will be warm again.

Two blurry packets of seed that I picked up while grocery shopping yesterday.  We like the smaller tomatoes and I will plant them in a pot for the patio.  I wanted to plant sunflowers this year and grow as many of them as I can.  I don't like to pay the price for sunflower seeds in the winter and I know the nuthatch and cardinals like them.  While looking through an Amish woman's garden book I saw her putting out full heads of dried sunflowers out on her feeder during the winter. I like seeing them grow and watching the flower heads grow and turn to the sun each day.  I hate cleaning up the stems and roots afterwards but I will try it this summer anyway.

I am hoping for a sunny day all day today.  Our neighbor gave my wife a couple of her roses that she bought at the Wally Mart.  They didn't last long but they were nice to see at this brown time of the season.  We don't have green any where right now but maybe in a couple of weeks the grass will come back.  I appreciate your stopping by and sometimes making a comment.  If you don't comment, that is okay.  I see I have a lot of visitors and I am glad you are out there.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. We had bone chilling wind one day last week. Wind makes it hard to do any chores outdoors. We have very heavy rain today. What a pretty yellow rose. Best wishes with the seeds. We love the little cherry or grape tomatoes on salads.

  2. More snow? At least it doesn't last too long now. We had a beautiful warm day yesterday. I did some garden clean up while my hubby serviced our bicycles. By supper we had 40 mph winds and this morning ice on the bird baths. But warmer weather to return tomorrow. Crazy March. Have a goo day.

  3. We are in for high winds until Monday. Lots of rain over night.
    The yellow rose is a spot of sunshine.

  4. Gorgeous rose! Hope the snows are done for you now and spring is on its way!
