Saturday, April 12, 2014

Saturday is a Good Thing.......

I bought a new orchid yesterday.  It is a new one and my only one.  I had a couple that didn't want to grow under my conditions.  I will try harder with this one.  I do remember that they can grow in spagnum moss and be attached to something with little water other than humid air.  I was again told by the salesman to give it three ice cubes once every two weeks.  That apparently helps people gage how little water that they need. I think ignoring them is probably the real way to care for them.   This one is so full of roots that it appears like they had stuffed it into the plastic container. The bottom of the pot is rounded so I will have keep it inside of anther container to get it to stand up vertically. It will never stand on its own.  I am not sure buying orchid material right away will be necessary.

I grabbed the first thing that I could find when we got home from the store and this tall vase seems to work well.  Its proportions seems to go along with the height of the plant and plastic pot fit right inside of it.

I was checking on the birds this morning and I see I have the geraniums really responding to our spring light. This is the red orange one that had so many plants in it.  They are putting out a lot of stems right now.  I have to water them a lot to keep them green and budding.

The deeper red hardy geranium is pushing out a lot of blooms also.  I was also surprised to find the white geranium blooming.  I had not noticed any buds on it all winter but now the one just shows up this morning.  I am saving that photo for my photo a day spot tomorrow.

I will go plant these starts into peat pots with some real dirt today.  In fact that is what I am heading to do after I post this spot.  I had repotted a few earlier on Wednesday and they already are responding to the better soil. I need to remember to start adding fertilizer to the water.   I have a frame to cut this morning and to assemble.  I finished up the small cross stitch framing early by getting the hangers on them.  I need to pick up sticks in the yard and if I had energy I would mow the leaves off the top of the grass starts.  I don't promise to have that done today.  We have rain coming late tonight and spotty chances on Sunday.  We need it as we are having a lot of grass fires in our area.

I hope you have a great weekend and that normal spring is coming your way.  It is early for us to have a regular normal spring but at least 3 o 4 days of the week would be nice. Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. They can be tough to grow and I've pretty much given up... except to photograph the wild ones growing less than twenty miles away in Iowa at Hayden Prairie near Lime Springs There were literally thousands of the yellow last year. Unbelievable . Some pictures on a mid June post I put up last summer...:)

  2. What a beauty of an Orchid, I am certain you will do just fine. One of my friends says an ice cube a week works with hers. Your Geraniums are looking good! :)
