Monday, April 14, 2014

Monday is Here.......

I think maybe the reason I like my carved bird is that I wish I were in Florida.  It snowed last night and it became a frozen layer of ice under the snow.  Fortunately the roads hold heat so it never really stayed on the roads.   I was letting Button outside late last night and when I carried him down the outside stairs there was a flickering of white flakces in the air among the drizzle that we experienced most of the day. 

I posted this on my photo a day blog also showing the gray light filled with rain.

So here is an archived photo that resembles what we look like again. 

A fix by seeing green that will come soon.

The things we hope for and will be glad to see when spring finally arrives. The snow really does set the body back as it has to deal with cold all over again.  Our furnace had cooled down for a while and the house was too hot just a couple of days ago.  Strong winds and cold certainly changed the inside climate of our house as I had to turn the temps back up on the thermostat so we would be warmer than 60 in the house. 

I am in the art room today.  The teacher is sick so the directions seem to be keep them busy and or make them behave.  A study hall in art isn't unusual as art students who don't want to work try to act like it is a study hall anyway and do other work.  It will be a good day.   Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Oh no not more snow!!!
    We had hard rain and high wind last night now saying we will have frost coming to night.

  2. Wow...
    We hit 81 degrees yesterday, everything growing like mad in the garden, and now tonight a freeze warning !
    At least you don't have to wrap your plants in sheets :)
    Stay warm Larry.
