Sunday, April 13, 2014

Raining and That is Good........

The orchid might enjoy being out in the rain this morning but I am not going out into it.  We have had thunderstorms with lots of lightening the past evening into this morning.  Right now we are have a gentle light rain that will help make the grass grow and maybe the trees bud a little quicker.  I saw a lone robin on the feeder as if he were looking toward the next rain front that was coming in to the area.  He disappeared when the rain hit.

I have a lot of photos of the new addition to the household.  I will not bring too many more out for you unless I find a creative abstract shot that I can get from the plant.  It has only two buds left to open but I read that it will all stay in bloom for a few weeks or more.

Moving into rain from snow is a smooth transaction.  The rain does absorb and go away and isn't glaring back at you with whiteness.  The wet humid days are ok right now but when we really warm up we will have muggy weather.  Spring rains are refreshing, especially when they come done on the back of your neck while going to the car.

The brown grey ground you see in the photo needs some grass seed as the redbud kills out a lot of grass around it.  I trim the redbud a summer ago and I will have to again address its size again.  The redbud is not a small tree, at least the variety that I have here, so it isn't a delicate ornamental tree.  It is a big as a fruit tree specimen with a lot of branches that spread out horizontally.

AJ went on another adventure a week ago visiting New Mexico with his parents.  I am not sure what goes through a one year old's mind when he sees this kind of aquarium in a tunnel.

A new young father who teaches at school told how his newborn looked up at him with glistening eyes when he was first born.  The father just then realize the baby was looking at the tv screen above his head. They are busy little minds soaking in any movement and light that they can.

We are off to teach Sunday school this morning and need to pick up some groceries afterward.  The neighbor want us to pick up a ham for her to share with her family next weekend.  Easter Sunday is coming and I guess we need to get ready for it to.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Such a sweet photo of AJ. They learn and grow so fast. I just watched a video of little Ella walking.
    Your blooms are very nice. We have slimmed down our list of plants to take with us to 21. Our home is not on the market yet so we can take our favorite ones with us. Most are very small and will be easy to transplant. Blessings to you both this Palm Sunday.

  2. We need rain too to clean things up after the long winter. I am not tired of those Orchid blooms yet:)

  3. What a lovely orchid!
    Hope your day is a good one.
    We are sitting here waiting on rain.

  4. Your orchid is pretty. Looks much like mine. Love how their blooms last so long.
    Glad for the rain. Hope it brings you more green.
