Wednesday, June 25, 2014

A Fruity Blog........

While mowing the orchard yesterday I found a couple of things that need to be harvested.  My red raspberries had completely died out from the drought and the new sprouts are putting out berries. I had noticed earlier that they weren't doing well but the many rains sure have turned them around to looking more like this.

The bush cherries also need to be picked as you can see.  They are not a good thing, as we can only juice them for jelly.  The fruit is actually more seed and very little pulp. It is good when the jelly is all done but it is labor intensive.  The jars of jelly will be fun to photograph. As my last statement on this situation I was planning to cut them down sometime this summer.  I may just have to trim back and let them be for one more year.

 While out with my wife surveying the raspberries and cherries we saw another new thing to watch.  There was a wren going in and out of the birdhouse on the shed. She was busy feeding her young ones as she would travel from tree and house continually. I don't know if it is the first time it has been used by the wrens or if we just had not noticed it in the past years.

Just like the watching of the eagles in the nest in Decorah, Iowa, I will be watching to see the feeding frenzy and try to get some shots of them coming and going.

The other red one of the hardy geranium variety is starting to put out great blooms.  This red is probably the most popular in history as I have observed in my lifetime. The other colors have become more used more frequently including the pinks and whites.   I saw a red and white geranium at Walmart which must be a new variety.  It was the first time I have seen it and when they go on sale I will add it to my collection.

I will be picking fruit today.  I had planned on cutting out more sucker trees and work on the dog's fence.  I may still be able to do some of that.  I never know until I get out there as to what I really will get accomplished. 

I find out that everyone has the same problem with the blogger reader.  I can adapt to the change but my sidebar list isn't up to date. I liked what I had but I will adapt.  

It is another nice day out there and I will be glad to be out there.  I hope everyone has a good day.  Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. The pictures of the raspberries brings back memories of picking blackberries when I was young. It was great to run down the road to the blackberry bushes for fresh fruit.

  2. Thanks for the walk around the yard. Looking good!

  3. The cherry jelly will be so tasty and pretty. It seems there is always plenty to do in the yard. We ordered pine straw today and will put it around our plants in the a.m. Don't get too heated working in the yard.
    I look forward to you and your wife sharing photos of the birds.

  4. Raspberries already! Time for a pie! :)

  5. Your post reads very much like the time my husband & I spend in our yard and gardens. We observe everything we are able to and share our observations with each other, often walking around our property together as we discuss our gardens, making or re-building or repairing animal pens, enjoying our new blooms and deciding what e might add to or prune out of the gardens and landscaping next season.

    Then there are our frequent visits to various bird nesting sites on our acreage , always fun, especially if we can watch the birds coming and going from the nest or bird house.

    Nice pictures of the blessings around your home.
