Thursday, September 11, 2014

Almost Friday..........

I can't say that the dahlia did badly this year but yet this is only the third bloom.  I have hopes for a good flower if the weather gets warmer.  It has the look of a waterlily as it slowly opens up its petals.

A transplanting job that has been long overdue.  The two larger violets are full grown and are still in my intermediate stage planter.  They have set a year with plastic over them and they are in good health.

 I had some new soil and put them both in pots of their own.  I put the larger flower in the smaller pot.  That sounds senile doesn't it?  I don't like the pot I put that larger one in and will buy a newer larger container for it the next time  I go to Wally Mart.  I like the plastic pots with good drainage so I am less apt to overwater them.  The ceramic pot that I used isn't big enough and I don't think that it drains very well. I do have three of my violets in bloom right now. I lost a few plants because of the neglect that they had during some phase of my life.

I will finish today with a view of the last splurge on iris.  I am not getting my money's worth with this as there is only one rhizome in the package.  I will quit buying now and get it planted today. 

I am a half day sub in the sixth grade English room today.  I know there are full days coming ahead so I am enjoying the half day stuff.  We are cold today, below 50 degrees and it will stay cool all day.  I guess a warm up is on its way tomorrow.  Thank you for stopping in today.


  1. Admire your ability to replant these violets, Larry. I was gifted with one and failed to keep it alive. You certainky do have many green fingers, not just thumbs.

  2. Outside an antique shop yesterday there were Purple and white Iris tubers for 10 cents each and I thought of you! :)

  3. I am sure these people will drop the price about the time the ground starts to freeze. I have planted tulip bulbs during a snow.

  4. I beg to differ with you, Larry. I am quite cheap when it comes to buying plants, as I have so many already, but to get Irises like THAT started, I think it was well worth the price you paid. They'll multiply in no time, she says, in the NAME OF JESUS !

  5. That's a pretty iris. The dahlia does look like a water lily.

    Karen says it is cold in KC also.
    Hope you two have a good evening.

    Little Harriet had extra tests at the vet today. We hope to get answers tomorrow.

    Hugs to Button and Barney.

  6. I love to watch as the flowers open and show all the beauty !
    Beautiful pictures ! Greetings :)

  7. An update on Harriet. Her test results were not as bad as the vet thought they would be. He will keep her on Tues to run more tests but he thinks there is medicine that will help her. We are encouraged.
