Friday, September 19, 2014

Friday's Findings.......

The pansies have held their own this year staying in bloom all summer.  I do realize now that we need to buy twice as many of them and plant them in a close bunch to really get that great pansy look.  I have still been able to go and get great specimen shots of them but they don't look so good at a distance.

The iris that were getting eaten by the iris bore have been moved in small parts to new locations and as you can see they are growing. I treated the soil in both places.  I didn't trim this one down as short as I should have  when transplanting but the leaves have grown out since I moved them a month ago.  The dark brown mulch looks like I have a very rugged looking soil when in reality it is chopped up scrap wood.  I know that it will all be less junky looking by spring.  It has been a good time to move some of the iris as we didn't have that very hot summer that we usually do have.  I didn't have to water anything.

Another progression shot of the bud.  It has either bloomed or is going to bloom today.  It is running out of time to bloom as the vine seems to be shutting down for the season.  The last two buds are the only ones I have to get an open bloom photo of them.  We will see what happens.

The petunia is putting out some of its last blooms also.  I may be able to weed a little today as the spraying has reduced the mosquitoes tremendously but they are still out there in small number.  The insect spray is the answer and waring long sleeves.

I had Wednesday off from subbing at school so I started working on the south side of my very old house.  It has the original 108 year old siding on it and I am trying to make things look better.  I had put in the new dining room window in and circumstance kept me from getting that new siding painted.  So it is almost done, four years later.  Today I didn't have work either so I will finish the painting there and I will start paint new coats of paint on faded paint areas on that south side.

Summer work the past few years kept me from even starting the job but now that I have started, I think I can get most of it done this fall. It is replacing some bad siding and in other cases it is just a cosmetic thing of refreshing an old paint job.  I have kept up most of the other three sides of the house as that is what everyone sees.  The south side is the side that  mostly my neighbors see.  They probably are in shock and amazement to see me working on it finally.

I spent the day in the Spanish classroom on Thursday.  I have had a lot of Spanish in high school and even junior high but I never used it in a conversational way.  I had to do a lot of digging back hard to remember the conjugations of things.  The pronouns of "nonostrous and vonostous" were still in my brain but it had to be dug out of there to find it.  At that time in the dark ages of the 60's when we took foreign language we didn't have instructors that spoke it regularly so neither did we as students.

I am painting today until I run out of paint.  Then we will head to the store to get more and maybe my wife wants to go to the bookstore.  I will need to make a run for some new siding to patch up one area on the house but I don't think that will happen today, maybe another day.  Our days are warmer now and it is nice to be outside.  It is still cold out in the early morning so I will have to wear long sleeves and long pants to work out this morning.  Thanks for stopping in today.


  1. What lovely flowers. The pansies really draws the eye to them.

    I took Spanish in high school and college. I was good at translating written word but not that good at speaking it.

  2. We are enjoying the last blooms of summer too. I looked at pansies and violas today at Home Depot. Here in GA, we plant them in Nov. and they bloom all winter until Spring.
    The $3 Rose of Sharon I bought recently is blooming today. Purple with a red center.
    Don't work too hard on the painting and siding replacement. I hope you both enjoy a trip to the bookstore.
    I found 5 Nicholas Sparks books at the thrift store today - all 5 for less than $10.
    Have a good evening.
