Saturday, September 20, 2014

Ready for a Saturday...........

The sunlight is so good to see and when it gives me special lighting for my photographs, it makes me happy.

I will have to use a step ladder to cut this head of seeds down when it is ready.  When I see blue jays hanging upside down on the seed head I will know it is time to take them in for winter's use.

I saw a white violet with a red center at the Walmart yesterday.  It was being sold as a packaged flower arrangement with a fancy container so I didn't bother to look at the price.  I hope I see it again in the lumber stores. My violets are doing better again because I am neglecting them.  I guess I have been over watering them.  I do know they like to bloom after they have been left to dry out a bit.  Too dry of soil of course sends them to their death. It is a strange balance of care that they need. I have three different violets in bloom right now.

We ended up with a stalled car on our way to Des Moines yesterday afternoon.  It was next to a golf course on a hill and the car just wouldn't start back up.  In the old days we would say that it was flooding out but I am not sure what it was.  The local Ford dealer is only three miles away so it all worked out well.  The dealership knows how to treat you very special so you want to buy the next car from them.  The owner of the Ford place sent out his grandson in a car to pick us up. They called the tow truck for us and we discussed the repair details at the office.  They told us to drive off in the loaner car and we would get a call on Monday for the details of the repair needed.  The grandson said that some of the gas stations were having trouble with water forming in their gas supply.  I really think that is what I had but whatever it is, please just fix it.  I might now consider buying a car from them in the future after the great treatment we were given.  The older one becomes the harder it is to deal with this kind of thing.

Soooooooo, we didn't make it to the paint store to buy more paint and we didn't make it to the bookstore.  Today we are going to do that with our loaner Dodge Stratus and just enjoy ourselves.  We had a rain storm again last night.  After two years of drought I won't ever complain.  I just am tired of walking in mud when I go to the garden.  More rain means more mosquitoes.  Enough I have said about that as others want rain so badly.   Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Very sorry about your car trouble. Thankful that you received such good care from the local dealer.
    I always linger by the African Violets at WalMart and Kroger. I have one sunny window here that might be perfect for violets IF I can keep the cats away. I might just try that this winter.
    I always enjoy your pretty blooms.
    Have an enjoyable day running your errands.

  2. I love these beautiful flowers !
    Have a nice weekend :)
