Thursday, September 18, 2014

Thursday's Things.....

I spray on deep woods OFF when it is time to go out.  They have sprayed for mosquitoes and it has helped a lot but they are still out there.  I was able to catch a shot of this shorter sunflower.  It isn't as mature as some of the others so the weight of the seeds hasn't caused the bloom to droop.

I have to pick the rhubarb again and I am planning on giving it away to someone who really likes it. I like when it gets to be tall enough that it is looking like palm trees in the sun.

I am sure it is the weather that is causing the blue morning glory to have a muddied look rather than the clear blue that it usually has. The white flowers on the vine seem to be the dominate morning glory in all of the vines out there.

The leaves as you can see are turning yellow now as it is colder and the days are getting shorter each day.  I have a large amount of tomatoes to get picked  that are out there by the glories.  I think that the mosquitoes are down enough that I could rush out and grabbed them off the vine and then hurry back in with only a few bites.

All of the plants are in decline now as we have has do many cool nights.  Today it was to warm up normally but the nights are still cool.  Having carried all my geraniums in once already I will probably pace myself and carry a few each day so as to not wear myself out.  I will have to do lots of moving to get them into the bird room. 

I had a busy physical day off yesterday.  I had some touching up on paint to do to the back of the house and I crawled in under the kitchen in the crawl space.  I have a drain pipe that is cast iron originally from back when the kitchen was first installed. I am thinking that would have been in the 1930's  It is rusting away on the bottom of it and I had to do some temporary repairs to keep in from leaking down into the soil of the crawl space.  It takes crawling on my stomach to get past some pipes before I can really get to the location.  I can feel all those muscles today. 

I am teaching Spanish today for all levels of learners.  The day has been a pretty good one.  I have to dig down deep in my brain to remember some of the conjugations of verbs.  They did not ask for a lot of help but sometimes they needed to jar their own memories by asking for assistance.  Conjugating verbs is the most  difficult part of learning a new language.  It helps if ones knows how to conjugate in English before they try to put it into Spanish.  It makes it a long day but it has been a good day.  I hope everyone is okay out there.  Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. Our plants are winding down the season, too. Our mornings have been in the low 60's.
    I studied Spanish for years in school but would be hard pressed to remember much these days.
    I am thankful you had a good day.
    Hope your muscles feel better tomorrow.
