Monday, September 22, 2014

Monday is Here Again........

Across the street I can see that the corn is ready to be picked.  Dry air will help to dry out the corn on the cob so they can pick it with very little moisture in it.  The less they have to dry out the corn the less money they have to spend on the corn product.  The ears are all drooping down now as the stalks are completely dead.

While out near the corn field I looked up at my maple to see if there was any change in the leaves on the tree.  I snapped a pretty rough shot of the top of the tree, surprised to see that there was some change on the tree.  Usually it starts at the lower branches and not at the top.

So I zoomed in and found my first fall photograph ready to be snapped. I have decided that fall leaves can replace all those zinnia shots that I have been filling my blogs with the past month.

I did notice that the small leaves at the bottom were also changing color.  This is the tree that the city trimming crew sliced off its west side.  I will wait until spring and try to trim more limbs to help give it back a more natural shape.  I will have to cut limbs at the bottom in places that I wasn't planning to cut.  It will work out ok.  I just laugh to myself how they took the edge of the sidewalk as the line in which that tree had to be trimmed and nothing was to hang over that line no matter how high up it was on the tree.

One fish, two fish came to mind as I looked at this photo.  The two surviving fish are floating on the top of the water gleaning off the mosquito eggs for a quick meal.  I will set up a small aquarium this fall and drain this tank so I can catch these two fish.  I like to winter them inside so I can see them.  You can enjoy them swimming around in the pond but inside you get to see all of the fish.

 We are awaiting to hear from our car and hope it gets to be repaired soon.  The loaner is a lesser model than what we drive so we will be looking forward to getting it back in our possession. It is a nice car. This car just doesn't like to drive up Iowa hills. Through discussion with the man who picked us up where we were stranded he said that the Kum and Go had serious quality problems with their gasoline.  That is one of the places we buy our gas.  Yesterday we saw at that station that they had temporary portable gas units, above ground, connected to their pumps.  Our car may just have to have all the gas taken out of it and have new gasoline put in it.  Cars don't work with water mixed in the gasoline.

I didn't call in sick today as that is what people do to get me to work.  I just refused jobs today when the first automated phone called me.  I don't feel well enough to rescue them today.  I could have done a half day but I didn't pursue the job to see what I was turning down.

My good bad cold has evolved and I just need to really rest today.  I am not in any serious condition but I decided that maybe it will go away faster if I just stay home.  I am sure that I caught the cold at school and I don't need to take it back to them either. Cold airconditioned air in the one wing blows on everyone all day long. I won't face that today for sure.

Thanks for stopping in today.  I hope all is well with you on this Monday.


  1. They were cutting the corn down from our house this morning when we went to shop.
    Our Maple is still green no red yet.
    Hoping you feel better soon.

  2. Sorry you feel bad. Hope today's rest will help you to re-gain your strength.
    Maples are so nice in Autumn.
    I hope you get your car back soon; nothing worse than driving a loaner with no get up and go!
    You two have a good evening.

  3. You deserve a day off, Larry, so hope you will do that and feel better soon. An early season cold is no fun, not at any time for that matter. I did get a flu shot today heeding all the cautions that this will be a bad flu seasons, already one elementary school here was closed last week because too many students were sick. Hope the car is repaired and back soon.
