Sunday, September 21, 2014

Sunday's Here......

The town spraying of the mosquitoes is not working.  I hurriedly picked these fresh yesterday afternoon while hosting five or six mosquitoes on each arm. I had a few on my head and neck also.  I picked ripe and partially ripe as I don't want to go back out there for a while.  We enjoyed fresh tomatoes in our tacos last night and we eat them with noon and evening meals.  My wife puts salt on her tomatoes and I use sugar. 

I should put up a sign to tell my neighbors that it is a work in progress.   I finally have painted the new siding that was around my new dining room window to match the rest of the house. I had put up new siding that was primed with a yellow cream color.  Our neighbor says we should paint the trim.  Well yes that is what you do after you paint the body of the house.  We tried on Saturday to buy another gallon of paint and the Pittsburgh Paint store was closed at noon for the rest of the day.  We will have to make another trip for that in our loaner car. The loaner car would make a good second car but it isn't as nice as our broken car.

I have most of the kitchen wing painted now also but some of the areas on it that will need to be scraped and painted with primer before I paint the final body color onto it. I am also going to put up new primed siding on the one other part that is 100 plus years old and is worn out.  Then I will paint that too.  I work in two to three hour sessions per day when I am not at school so I should get it all done and ready for inspection before the snow starts.  Patience is a virtue.  One should have patience while watching someone work and the painter is going to have patience with the sidewalk monkey gallery.

The burning bushes are going to put out berries this year. One out of the three bushes died but the other two are looking normal and healthy this year. 

Speaking of healthy, I am not.  I have a bad cold now.  I never have heard of a good cold.  Maybe I have a good, bad cold.  Whatever it is, I finally got hit with it.  I think that I won't be completely down with this one.  I do know that I will be moving slowly as I go about the things that I absolutely have to do and the rest is going to be down time for me.

I have been in a freezing air condition classroom a couple of days and I have been around many children who were blowing their noses.  I knew that I was getting by too easily not to catch it.  Well all of you live far enough away that you don't have to visit and hear me whine.  I will move on and hope by Monday that this will be an illness with history.   Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. So sorry to hear that you are sick. We have several neighbors who are struggling with respiratory illnesses.
    Funny how some neighbors feel free to offer suggestions from the sidewalk! John works a couple of hours clearing our wooded area each day. Someone pointed out that he could hire someone with a bobcat to do the work quickly! (yeah, if money were no object!) Anyway, you are right...patience is a virtue.
    Your tomatoes look great. Too bad about the mosquitoes. They must be immune to whatever it is they are spraying.
    Hope you two have a restful Sunday.

  2. I have much sympathy for you about the cold, mosquitoes and the sidewalk monkey gallery but I did laugh.
    I have been out watering my morning glory's and collecting there seeds.
    You should see my one and only dahlia it has 3 open blooms on it and they are deep purple. This is our first time with dahlias.

  3. You must have a super duper strain of skeeters! Sorry to hear you have a cold...those germy kids anyway. I hope you feel better soon. Your tomatoes are beautiful! :)
