Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Tuesday's Things.......

This is one photo that I name "stacked" as I wanted them both to be in the photo and they sort of  are.  The cropped off top is unfortunate and yet it looks somewhat like I had planned it.  All the zinnias are in decline now as the first day of Fall is here.

 My newest hosta called "snow and ice" is enjoying its new location away from the pot.  I may have to water the new plants in a few days as we haven't had rain for a while.  This hosta is different than the other new one that I bought because its leaves have green on the one edge but not on the opposite edge of the leaf.  At a fast glance they looked exactly the same. I could see saving some grass clippings the next time I mow and put them around some of the new plants.

This hosta looks healthy enough but it never really seemed to be its normal self.  I think that the heavy rains kept it more moist that it really like to be.  In drier weather the leaves are very large.  I am wondering if the holes in the very outside leaves are leftover from our heavy hail storm. 

People in our town are still having their roofs replaced before winter comes.  Some insurance companies rushed out and replaced many of the towns roofs.  Mine did not.  The closest one to us is the guy across the street.  His roof is on a ranch style house and hail must be harder on their roof than it was on mine.  Just the past week three different houses were being shingled up and down main street.

I am home again today feeling better but not great.  I have had to turn down work two days in a row now.  The school called directly this morning late to be sure that I had not known that they had a need for a sub.  I am in a coughing stage right now and really need to just stay home for a least one more day.  I am better and I could have gutted it through but I think I would not be that fun to be around in the classroom.

Our car keeps having new things wrong with it so we will not have a repaired car again today.  The cost just doubled as they said the wiring had shorted out and destroyed the computer component.  It was ordered from Kansas City late yesterday afternoon and it was shipped.  If they get it today they will put that in today.   If it won't start after that then we, including the repair shop, have some "explaining" to do. I will be nice but I do hope that they really are not just experimenting while they find the actual problem. 

I haven't felt well enough to do normal things but if I had been well I would be very frustrated by now.  I never did get the paint bought nor the siding that I needed to work on the house. With fall coming at us full force I don't want to go all winter with the back side of the house unfinished.  Tomorrow if I feel good I will be back at work at school.  I have a scheduled half day to do on Thursday.  I think things will be back to normal soon.   Thanks for stopping by today and everyone take care.


  1. We are getting ready for winter to, Bennie is painting (or staining) the fence.
    Hope you get your car back soon.

  2. It's no fun without wheels to get around :(
    Your hostas are exquisite, they are a favorite plant of mine.
    Autumn has made its show, beautiful weather here, I hope yours is just as pleasant,

  3. I think you were wise to turn down work with the coughing you are experiencing. I love the zinnia shot and your pretty hostas.
    I hope your car will be ready soon. Repairs are so expensive and the waiting on parts is very frustrating.
    Nice breeze here today. It was enjoyable to be outdoors.
    Take care.

  4. Hope you and the cars are feel better soon.
    Those are some pretty colors on zinnias!
