Thursday, September 25, 2014

Thursday's Things.........

The teddy bear sunflower expresses its disgust with the weather.  It is going to be soon that they are all in seed  and I am going to try to isolate the seed and save it by itself.  I bet the seeds will be smaller than the one on the larger sunflowers.

Out of the blue this blue creeping bluebell has bloomed.  All of the other stems of this plant have died and I have mowed it down.  This one is growing up and out as if it is spring.  The volunteer trees are going strong.

Having been moved to the other porch during the frost threat this geranium likes its new location.  I had to move it out to the edge of the porch so the rains could water it.

It actually runs in more than just threes but yesterday it was threes.  We picked up our car with a lot of new wires and a computer board.  The car now starts right and stays running without any hesitation.

I achieved successfully the installation of the new thermostat in our house.  It was touch and go for a while as things were not working and then I bought brand new batteries.  The keyboard works and I did figure out how to program it.  I did notice this morning that I had set the time in the middle of the day and I had the am and pm switched.  There will be more bugs but the furnace did run when I told it to do so the wiring was successful with the right wires going to the correct spots.

Barney had his nails trimmed and also his rabies shot yesterday.  He is good at the vet but he makes us nervous always as he reacts to things differently each time.  The vet and assistant really woooooed him to think he was pretty wonderful so he cooperated well.  He has a hard time getting in and out of our backseat so he gets a lot of encouragement and help to lift the 60 pound dog.  He is aging to fast as I had not noticed he was getting cataracts but the vet did point that he had started to get them.

I am back to work today and do feel almost well.  I will be clearing things out of my lungs for a while but it isn't bad.  I am a high school social studies this morning and then I will be a junior high pe teacher for a couple of periods.  The last period is an open period so I will get out of here 50 minutes early.  I am sure I will be somewhat tired as one has to get into shape to deal with people all day.  It is a non raining day today which is welcomed.  I hope all are feeling fine.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I like the photo of the house, sad to see winter come so soon and take out our pretty flowers.

  2. The creeping bluebell is a nice surprise. Love the geranium's color. Glad the car is working fine now. We have a terrible time learning/remembering to set the thermostat, remote controls etc.!!! Hope you rest well and get rid of the cough soon.

  3. Those are shaggy looking sunflowers. Our dog had her shots this week too, and they tried to sell us several other services we don't need.

  4. Love that creeping bluebell and those pretty leaves in the last picture!
