Wednesday, September 24, 2014

The Middle of the Week.....

After the two different situations where I could have used my chainsaw I decided to take action.  I replaced a metal gasoline container with a small new one and I bought the oil that is needed to mix with the gasoline for the chainsaw.  It hasn't made it to the shed so it is like a porch decoration for now. 

The sun glow on the river birch was too good to pass up with the camera.  The leaves are changing fast on the birch.  I was out for a short visit after supper and thought I might get a few new shots before I went back inside to preserve my health. 

Because of this shot I ventured on around the shed to see the real sun shining.  I had to dodge the apples that are falling on the ground because they are ripe.  It is nice to have them finally ripen on the tree so they will be so naturally sweet.

On the other side of the shed I caught a glimpse of the great sky and could see the last of the setting sun. The neighbor's garage and  house block most of the view but if you walk over just right you can peak through an area that reveals some what of a sunset.

I picked tomatoes a couple of days ago and I will return today to pick more.  We will have to freeze some of the roma tomatoes for later use. This tomato is a kind called celebrity. We have picked some good sandwich tomatoes from this plant.  This is the potted one on the patio. 

Barney is going to the vet today to get his rabies shot.  He doesn't know it or he would probably be hiding in the bathroom.  He really doesn't mind going to the vet but some things are just not fun for him.  He is always so glad to get back into his own backyard.  This picture is a good one to show you the before shot of the house before I scrape the trim and paint on the new white color.   I hope the fall lasts longer as the last time I painted on the house was last Friday and I have been down with the cold ever since.  

I am feeling very much better and will be going in to work tomorrow.  There was an assignment for today that I could have worked but I waited to see if someone else needed work.  It was taken by another sub within the hour and I was good with that.  I have a whole day in the high school math room on Thursday. 

We are having another long rain this morning.  I don't think it will be gone until noon.  It is so dark in the house as if we are moving into winter.  It is not very cold.   I hope all are well with you today.  Thanks for checking in on the post.


  1. Good Morning, Nice sunset and I love the birch leaves. What a great photo of Barney. I know he and Button love this time of the year. Glad you are some better. Have a nice day.

  2. We have grown the celebrity before and they are good eating.

  3. Nice to see a photo of Barney! Glad you are feeling better:)

  4. Beautiful sunset, our Birch trees are just now showing signs of turnng yellow...won't be long.
    Poor Barney, just don't tell him, and maybe give him a treat after it's all over and done with.
    Have a great week Larry !

  5. Our tomatoes are all gone, frosted out, and cleaned up. On the compost pile now.
