Friday, October 24, 2014


The robin's nest that was sitting on a ladder next to my garden shed finally fell to the  ground.  Apparently the wind blew in just the right direction to knock it onto the ground.

The birch tree is now a skeleton with nary a leaf on its branches.  It makes it look like a winter scene when I leave the ground out of the photo.  I noticed in the photo that my green shutters need a new paint job.

We have two yellow houses in our neighborhood and a blue one across the street. Now my neighbor has repainted her house this nice green.  We have a rainbow of colors in our area.

I am glad that it is Friday.  It seems like it has been a long week.  The rain in the middle of the week seemed to make it a longer week.  I will welcome back some of the warmer weather and sunshine.   Back in the classroom again today.  I have another full week to do now as the teacher with the new knee is staying home one more week.  I hope everyone has a good day and that you have great plans for the weekend.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Perfect little nest.
    Nice photo of your house with the bare tree. Hope you can rest up over the weekend for a full week of work next week.

  2. I hope you have a restful weekend...the weather is great up here anyway. I am certain it will change soon. Your house is the perfect color:)
