Thursday, October 23, 2014

Thursday's Shots............

The river birch is losing it leaves quickly as the days get shorter each day.  The raspberries that grow near this tree are going to need to be picked again over the weekend.  I will try to prune the birch back some after the leaves fall so I can see better where to trim.

Burning bushes are doing well this year.  It is such a great red to see in the yard.  I see in some newer homes that landscapers use the red bushes in groupings with maple trees to make the arrangements look really good in the fall.

The leaves that were brought inside are really striking in artificial lighting.  I press a lot of these in a biology text book that I had in school.  The book looked like it had been in a water accident already so I didn't worry about pressing them in its pages.

An accidental shot looks like a modern painting.  I have one more day for Friday to be here and I am looking forward to the weekend.  We had rain early in the morning and it seems overcast later this morning.  We will warm up to almost 70 degrees F.  I hope everyone has a great day.  Thanks for dropping by today.