Saturday, October 25, 2014

Saturday's Shots........

The red maple was red on the east side of the tree and now it is pale orange on the west side.  I don't know why the west side did not turn red but it is a pretty color.

It was a good year for us in the produce from the tomato plants. We are now down to about a dozen of smaller tomatoes and we have had our fill of them for the year. We really did enjoy them.

The bucket gets to be used a lot but for some reason it leaks occasionally.  I had it at school and the two holes in the bottom of it caused water to leak all over the floor.  When I broght it home the leaves apparently are blocking the holes as the water still stands in the bucket from the last rain.

I will have to start to mow leaves soon.  I like to wait until they dry out and shrivel up a little to make the pushing of the mower easier.

The sun was shinning bright in the west and the flower does glow when it shines.  It is Saturday and I am not sure what our plans are for the day.  I will work on the back of the house for a couple of hours and then we will see what happens.   I wish everyone a great weekend in all that you do.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I did some clean up in my garden, our Maple is just about all red now. It has warmed up down here in the 80's.

  2. Pretty color still. We have a few tomatoes gracing the counter in the kitchen too. But, the plants are gone now. I put a lot in the freezer.
