Sunday, October 26, 2014

Happy Sunday...........

The yellow blooms keep coming with rain and warm weather.  I thought they had frosted off a week or so ago but they appear better than ever.  The plastic flower that you see in the back is a faded flower on a hummingbird feeder.

I shared a similar photo on my Photo a Day blog. The bee is seeking nectar on the bud. There are two other partial blooms on the dahlia but this last big bloom is stunning and the little bugs like it too.

The hostas continue to decline as the summer is gone and the fall is upon us.  I split up a lot of hostas this year and I will be anxious to see them coming up in their new locations.

I worked on the siding on the back of my house Saturday. It is too complicated to explain but I have removed a section of siding on my house and I am returning it to the side of the house with the back side now on the front. When I get done I will have to prime that 100 plus year old cedar siding with a heavy coat of paint.  Then I will put on a new coat of paint.  It saved me from scraping the old paint from the boards as they are now facing the inside against the house.   We hit a bookstore in the afternoon yesterday and rested for the rest of the day.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. You still have blooms! Fun to see your flowers and leaves as ours are mostly gone:)
