Monday, October 27, 2014

The First Day of the Week.........

This was laying on my sidewalk yesterday.  It is the leaf of a sycamore tree.  A student just today brought in one to give to me so I could press it and display it on the wall.  There are two sycamore trees across and down the street.  When we had a tornado going through town seven years ago I will always remember seeing a large garage truss hanging up inside that tree that had been dropped there from the tornado.

The two sycamores are showing in this photo.  I had shared the photo of my neighbors newly painted green house and didn't notice I had a picture of the trees. My silver maple tree trunk is in the foreground.


A different development is the aging and decline of the hollyhocks.  The plants did not bloom this year but next year I will have many blooms again.

This lily kept its leaves for a long time and now the decline creates a different pattern of colors. I am not certain but I think this was an Asiatic lily or a stargazer lily.

The burning bush puts out great color and I see this one finally is showing a few berries.  It is a striking bush to have in the yard in the fall.

I am now starting my fourth week as a high school science teacher.  I would never had dreamed of the path that I am on right now. I am glad to help out my friend who wanted his room covered by me while he was gone.  It has proven interesting with the students finally accepting that I can teach and that they can behave after the first couple of weeks.  Some students fall through the cracks not matter what and that is why we have an AT Risk program.  That teacher tries to pick up the pieces of failing students.  I will work this whole week and then a part of next week.  I am hoping to take some time off and finish up some projects.  I hope the weather holds.  I can work when it is cold, I can't work in the rain or snow....thanks for stopping by today. 


  1. You sound like a lot of interesting things are going on in your world. Have a good day!

  2. Glad the job is working out. I know the teacher is grateful that you filled in. Your trees on the street are pretty. Our dead end street was bulldozed clear of trees up near the street. Each home has trees back behind their homes. Gradually, folks are planting nice trees in front, but it will be a while before they show up well.

  3. I am sure you are a wonderful Science teacher! Four weeks is a long time in one classroom...I hope you get some time off after this stint to rest up! :)

  4. Good morning L.D. ~ I saw a comment by you in On Cedar Pond and decided to come over here to see what you and Della are up to. For some reason I am NOT getting new post notifications from your blog. I am a follower so don't know what the deal is.

    Fall looks lovely in your part of the country.

    Teaching high schoolers, oh my!

    Hope you get to work on projects before snow happens.

    Happy Fall ~ FlowerLady
