Monday, October 20, 2014

Monday's Moments..........

Barney didn't use to walk on the bridge but after the many years being around it he is very content to walk on it and also stop and look around.  The pond itself looks bad as  I am filling in with loose dirt.  I am planning to turn it into a bog garden as soon as I get it completely filled in with dirt.  I will leave the bridge as a path through the cattails and whatever else I can get planted in there.  Cannas would be great to grow in the area and volunteer water weeds will be great. 

Barney has a crooked bent ear from damage that he did to it from scratching it too hard a few years back.  The ear is slowly straightening as the blood vessels have healed up and is making the ear stiffer.

I have never heard of rabies in squirrels but this guy was very aggressive and seemed annoyed with me.  I wasn't standing three feet away and he came scurrying down the tree at me without any fear.  I guess he thinks it is time to get the corn put on the feeder.  He can walk across the street and pick his own corn.

The hostas are holding their own as the cold air isn't bothering them too much.  Some varieties that I have act like they have been frosted while others are becoming more wilted each day.

I will finish with my red maple tree.  The leaves are great this year and as you can see in the background that the birch is loosing its leaves quickly.  It is Monday and seems to be a nice day.  Back in the science room for the third week now.  The last two weeks did go fast.  Students are settling in to the different old man in front but today it seems Monday means that they behave sluggishly.  They are a tired bunch.  I am tired too but will make it thorough the day okay.   Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I like the photo of Barney on the bridge. Hope you two had a nice weekend. The weather is almost perfect this week - we will enjoy it while we can. Take care.

  2. Good to see Barney!! I hope you have a good week at school, I am sluggish on Mondays too:)
