Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Tuesday's Shots......

I have been busy with teaching school and then painting on the back of the house after school.  I have run out of photographs to share.  I will have to go outside and take some shots.  I am giving tests today to three sections of students to see how I did as a teacher.  I will be busy showing a movie to one of the classes and the other two classes are measuring  photos of skulls of various humans to compare cranial sizes.  It has been a long time since I have been in the science field but I did have some of these classes during high school and my freshmen year in college. That was a long time ago.  There are suggestions that I may be staying on for one more week with this sub job.   I was hoping to get time off to mow my yard and finish other stuff at home.   I hope all will have a great Tuesday.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. You are a busy man, hope all is well with you:)

  2. School is keeping you busy. Sounds interesting. Have I mentioned how cute that squirrel is in "The Refined Collection?" Adorable!

  3. I like these photos, especially the last one. Hope your week goes smoothly.
