Sunday, October 19, 2014

Sunday"s Posting...........

A stray volunteer maple tree is growing in the neighbors alley.  The tree is an offspring of the big maple leafed tree in the neighbor's yard.  The leaves seem so big and eventually turn brown.  As the snow starts to fall there are also some of these leaves blowing around in my yard.

A small group of phlox plants are putting out blooms.  They are very late as the rest of the growth in that section of plants have already gone to seed.

My neighbors tree is seen through the foreground of my birch tree leaves.Those trees have lost a lot of their leaves already.  Those leaves line both my neighbors side of the street and my side of the street.   I will need to start mowing and mulching soon so there isn't too much of it to deal with by the end of fall.

It is suppose to be a warmer day today in Iowa. The chilly weather yesterday didn't feel good when we were out and about yesterday. While painting on the house in the morning I had to wear a stocking cap to help keep warm.  I hope all will have a great Sunday and thanks for stopping in on my post today.


  1. Lovely fall pictures. Our weather is still warm. We have been able to open the windows and let the fall breeze in. The cats have enjoyed sitting in the windows watching the last of the butterflies.

  2. I love the pictures. I am enjoying looking at the color of the leaves. I cleaned a lot up today that have already falling to the ground.

  3. The last of the is cool in the mornings here but afternoons have been wonderful! :)
