Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Tuesday's Things..........

The red leaves were so striking as I looked down the sidewalk.  When I snapped the shot I didn't realize that I was going to get such a collage of plants and leaves.  It is a weedy area under a bush.

My new purchase of a different kind of sedum looks like it may never fully bloom.  I blogged about it earlier in the summer when I bought it but I don't remember its name.  It has plenty of moisture so that shouldn't keep it from blooming.  It reminds me that I need to dig up another batch of sedum and divide it up and replant it all over the property.

I sort of knew that I was being barked at for being in my orchard area.  I didn't at first notice that I was really being watched. There are four dogs on the picnic table checking me out.  I zoomed in on them and this is the shot that I got from it.They are two more small dogs in the group but they are not in the photo. That is six dogs if you are adding them up in your head.

While I was out yesterday my other neighbor was getting his boat ready for duck hunting.  It looks like a boat with a hulu skirt. Willie goes hunting and fishing with a friend and another friend who is our Governor's son. Willie and the one friend are former students of mine. I have never met the Governor's son but I see him a lot on Facebook with the fish they have caught.

A neighbor cat that is very friendly was out helping me out with everything that I was doing.  He had climbed one of my ladders in the apple tree.  He had already had a free meal at the porch door.

It is Tuesday and my job as a Science teacher continues. My three week job has become a four and a half weeks long now.  I have a short day today so I can go home and work on the house if it isn't too windy.  We are suppose to have wind and it will depend which direction the wind is blowing as to whether or not I can work outside.  I hope it is a northerly blowing wind. I am working on the south side of the house.  It is a week that they do parent-teachers conferences so I have short days the rest of this week and I have Friday off with no school.  That will be good. 

Everyone have a great day and thanks for stopping by to visit.

1 comment:

  1. Fun Photo's, they are watching you that is for sure. I hope the six dogs don't bark a lot. Great fall color around your home.
