Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Wednesday's Wandering........

The flower is laying on the ground as the stem has given it up.  The flower is probably safer there than standing up with the cold winds blowing.  I shall loose all of the flowers when we hit the 20 degrees.  I hope to have the last of the apples out of the trees by then.  The grounds on the property are getting scattered with a lot of leaves and I need to get to the mulching.

This process I have seen done before on a house on a TV self help show.  The siding was removed and flipped over and reattached.  It can be scraped more easily and you still have your historic siding. This looks like crud but with a couple of coats of primer and then the paint it will all smooth out to look good.

The nails are not nailed completely into the sheeting in the photo  as I wanted to be able to go back if I had made a mistake in spacing and shift boards.  I actually didn't make a mistake in spacing as I completed getting the cedar siding back onto the house last evening.  It was a 12 foot 15 foot area and I am glad it is done.  I will sneak on primer this afternoon as school gets out early.  I will get paint on it whenever the weather warms up more as the paint is effected by cold.  The primer doesn't seem to be so bad with cold.  It just doesn't dry out well.

I have a pile of pressed leaves on my desk at school for the students to see.  I am surprise to see how many really do stop and take a look at them.  One girl who brought in the sycamore leaf, brought it a yellow maple leaf today. 

I have one more day to teach tomorrow and I have Friday off from school.  We have a few plans for the day even with it being predicted to be a bad day weather wise. My time as a science teacher is winding down.  I have to bring in the two large planters of agapanthus plants this evening and we may take a journey in the car this afternoon for a short time out and about.  Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. Great idea about the siding. We have rain today and then our temps should be cooler. This is a pretty red leaf. Our leaves have not been very pretty this year.

  2. Flipping the siding is a great idea to keep the original look. Hope the weather works with you to get it all painted.
