Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Wednesday is Here...........

I painted for an hour after school yesterday.  We had a late supper and then I went out to catch some photos. It was almost too late to take pictures as the light was really low.  I tossed half of the photos I took but I did get some to share.

It has been a long time since the birch dropped its leaves without rain.  Normally it rains and they fall during and after a rain storm.  I am surprised how our fall is so different than the last two years.  The low light did allow me to a photo of the tree.

A few petunias are still blooming and these two do look good together. I have a few single pansy blooming and the weeds are taking over now. First frost will clean it all up.

The light outside was too low to takes shots of the leaves from my red maple.  I brought a bunch in and placed them on the dinning room table and got a good shot.  No natural background but the placemat does work to give a nice blue.

Back in the science room again today watching movies, finishing tests and doing recycling.   It is a shortened day today so I will get some time off.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Such pretty Red Maple leaves! Those Petunias look great for this time of year! I see you have a few leaves to clean up in your yard:)

  2. The ladder stays outside a lot so its original color is orange. The weather has faded it.
