Monday, December 22, 2014

Monday's Madness........

The whole family of snow people look a little whimsical.  The baby snow baby looks like its parents with its reflective red face.  The ornament proves that there are baby snowmen and that they grow up to be adults eventually.  Well maybe not.

Every year I have to share the drunken snowman.  I don't know what country manufactured these guys but that crooked carrot for a nose seems to make them seem a little wobbly.  I have three of these guys that came in a set and they all have that same dash of orange paint for a nose. I keep thinking I won't share him this year but no he is too much of a character not to share.

A blurry shot through the window shows the few birds that are showing up at the one feeder.  There isn't much going on out there with it being above freezing and having not any snow.

The mantel is always hard to get good lighting on it  in order to get a photo.  I couldn't somehow get iphoto to allow me to straighten the shot to the world this morning.  Maybe the room is settling a little to the left.  We don't burn the fireplace often enough but it has to be a non-windy day. I need to lengthen the stove pipe one more section but we do get by without that happening. 

Another busy day that seems like maddness after while.  I just get on board and start the process up and chip away at the list.  I head south to do some manual labor on the farm and then the rest of the day we will be going shopping. We have all the shopping done except for gifts to each other.  We usually don't get that done until the last one day and this year we can make a couple of trips to get it done.  It is frustrating to buy a gift without much thought when the deadline hovers.  Hopefully it will be better this year.  If I don't find what I want today we will just go back tomorrow.  Hopefully the snow tomorrow will not be a major storm.  Thank you all for hanging around.  If you don't check in later I do wish all of you a very Merry Christmas season.


  1. You've got some interesting ornaments! Have a great Christmas!

  2. I enjoy all your ornaments! You are sounding tired. I am near more day and then I can relax. It rained here today:(
