Sunday, December 21, 2014


A kitten ornament I picked up at an after Christmas sale many years ago.   I bought it to represent our then Yellow Kitty.  It is nice to have it to helps us to remember her.

Another view of my wife's village.  The carriage is going past the church while people are inside singing songs around the church organ.

Not many of these houses have things like this on the inside of them.  We had visitors Friday evening and they asked if my wife has specific kinds of village pieces.  We told them that most all of them are after Christmas sale items and were collected through many years.  Once in a while I would buy one for a present, full price.  We do try to compare the ones on sale to be sure we are keeping the scales of them similar, but they are a lot of different brands.

Two buddies under the tree.  I have blogged about the dog who has big eyes a couple of times.  The trend is to put large eyes on them. I guess it is suppose to make them cute.  I quit buying them and won't buy again until I find ones with traditional sized stuff animal sizes.  They even have human dolls that have very large eyes.

We got the family group photo printed off a couple of days ago to send to a cousin and then the printer bombed.  It is dead to the world.  It adds to the list of things that keep breaking down.  I got the furnace all fixed and then the thermal couple broke or quit working.  We woke up to a very cold house and we had to go to Ace to get a new one.  I think that the not having the right kind of fan on the furnace for a few days caused a lot of wear and tear on it. Anyway I am ready for the next thing to break down.  It does rain when it starts.  I remember other bloggers telling of times with trails of destruction with everything they own going bad automatically for weeks at a time.

Today is a good day of rest in which I hope to have.  We have a couple of Christmas presents to get today and will come home to get ready to ship off a box to the Winterset area.  Things seem to stay complicated as I gave up a half day for my brother in law on Saturday.  It was an immediate project to do on the farm and it did get done.   I hope all is going well for you my friends and that peace settles in around Christmas day or at least by the day after of Christmas.  Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. I know Yellow Kitty was so very special to you both. Such a sweet ornament. Your village pieces are great. We have a family owned store nearby that has a huge setup of a Christmas Village. Always fun to see what they have added each year. Merry Christmas to you and your wife.

  2. I remember Yellow Kitty so well, I love the ornament that reminds you of him. Such beautiful village pieces, they make the room look magical.
    Wishing you and yours a wonderful Christmas Larry !

  3. Love your Yellow Kitty Ornament!
    I am sure that the thermocoupler didn't go out because of the happens...good thing you were home:)
