Sunday, February 8, 2015

Sunday's Shots.......

I went out yesterday to take some new photos and shots of melting snow are not very easy to take.  I did look up and saw that the sky was doing a good job of showing great patterns.  So I took a shot.

My sunset view is always a challenge where I live but that shapes of the buildings aren't too bad to look at.  The building on the left is a very old coal shed that has double doors on it that makes me think it became a garage for a model T Ford. My garden shed on the right isn't very old compared to the other one.

Barney gave me the glaring eye as I was out taking shots.  He was having a good time in the melting snow, rolling around and just eating the snow.

The snow has declined but it is going to take a few days for it to effect all that we have.  The little bridge is emerging from out under a large snow drift.  The phlox stems still put out a great look in the winter time.

Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. Great photo of Barney. So many of my friends' dogs hate to have their pics taken!
